typedef enum Type1 { val11, val12 } Type1; typedef enum Type2 { val21, val22 } Type2; Type1 type1 = val11; if ( type1 == val22 ) std::cout << "foo";
Visual Studio 2015不会发出任何警告(即使使用/Wall)。 然而, type1 和 val22 不是同一类型。 这是正常的还是 Visual Studio 的错误?
admin 更改状态以发布 2023年5月20日
据我所知,编译器在比较不同类型的枚举时没有发出警告的义务。我在标准中找不到这个要求。\n对于经典的枚举类型,存在隐式的类型转换为int,所以结果代码是完全合法的。\n从语义上讲,比较不同类型的枚举通常是不正确的,因此自C ++以来,我们使用了一个作用域枚举构造,它不允许隐式转换。(请参见下面的代码)。\n
#includeusing namespace std; enum UE1 // This is an unscoped enumeration (since C) { val11, val12 }; enum UE2 // This is an unscoped enumeration too { val21, // have to use different names for enumeration constants val22 }; enum class SE1 // This is an scoped enumeration (since C++11) { val1, val2 }; enum class SE2 { val1, // can use the same names for the constants val2 // because they are in the different scope }; int main(int, char**) { if (val11 == val22) // implicit conversion from an enum to int is available cout << "UE::val11 is equal to UE::val22" << endl; if (static_cast (SE1::val1) == static_cast (SE2::val1)) // have to apply explicit conversion cout << "SE1::val1 is equal to SE2::val1" << endl; if (SE1::val1 == SE2::val1) // error!!! Cannot make implicit conversions from a scoped enumeration. cout << "SE1::val1 is equal to SE2::val1" << endl; return 0; }