create or replace trigger schema.trg_CP after insert on tdlrp referencing old as old for each row --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- declare v_fkidnc schema.tdlrp.fkidnc%type; v_errortype schema.tdlrp.xerrort%type; v_fkerrorID schema.tepm.ferror%type; v_linerror number; v_pr schema.tpm.pipm%type; v_pkdocid_r schema.tddr.pidr%type; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin if inserting then select fkidnc, xerrort into v_fkidnc, v_errortype from schema.tdlrp; -- if v_fkidnc = 1 then if v_errortype = 1 then select ferror, fipcm into v_fkerrorID, v_linerror from schema.tepm; select pipm into v_pr from schema.tpm where fipcm = v_linerror; insert into schema.tddr(pidr, fipc,user, datea, fiptm) values(schema.seq_tddr.nextval, old.fipc,'A', systimestamp, v_pr); select pidr into v_pkdocid_r from tddr where fiptm = v_pr; insert into schema.tere(pidr, ferror, fidre, user, datea, fipcm) values(schema.seq_tere.nextval, v_fkerrorID, v_pkdocid_r, 'A', SYSTIMESTAMP, v_linerror); END IF; END IF; END IF; EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END trg_CP;
PL/SQL: ORA-00984: column not allowed in here,
这个错误与select attr into variable
编辑 2022年9月15日 15:31
PLS-00382: expression is of wrong type
create or replace trigger schema.trg_CP after insert on tdlrp referencing old as old for each row --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- declare v_fkidnc schema.tdlrp.fkidnc%type; v_errortype schema.tdlrp.xerrort%type; v_fkerrorID schema.tepm.ferror%type; v_linerror number; v_pr schema.tpm.pipm%type; v_pkdocid_r schema.tddr.pidr%type; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin select fkidnc, xerrort into v_fkidnc, v_errortype from schema.tdlrp; -- if :new.fkidnc = 1 and :new.errortype = 1 then select ferror, fipcm into v_fkerrorID, v_linerror from schema.tepm; select pipm into v_pr from schema.tpm where fipcm = v_linerror; insert into schema.tddr(pidr, fipc,user, datea, fiptm) values(schema.seq_tddr.nextval, old.fipc,'A', systimestamp, v_pr); select pidr into v_pkdocid_r from tddr where fiptm = v_pr; insert into schema.tere(pidr, ferror, fidre, user, datea, fipcm) values(schema.seq_tere.nextval, v_fkerrorID, v_pkdocid_r, 'A', SYSTIMESTAMP, v_linerror); END IF; -- EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END trg_CP;
ORA-00984 inside trigger validations问题出现的原因是在触发器中使用了错误的变量名称以及在插入命令中列名的顺序错误。
create or replace trigger schema.trg_CP after insert on tdlrp referencing old as old for each row --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- declare v_fkerrorID schema.tepm.ferror%type; v_linerror number; v_pr schema.tpm.pipm%type; v_pkdocid_r schema.tddr.pidr%type; --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- begin -- if :new.fkidnc = 1 and :new.errortype = 1 then select ferror, fipcm into v_fkerrorID, v_linerror from schema.tepm where --some condition to return 1 row of ferror,fipcm; select pipm into v_pr from schema.tpm where fipcm = v_linerror; insert into schema.tddr(pidr, fipc, "user", datea, fiptm) values(schema.seq_tddr.nextval, :old.fipc, 'A', systimestamp, v_pr); select pidr into v_pkdocid_r from tddr where fiptm = v_pr; insert into schema.tere(pidr, ferror, fidre, "user", datea, fipcm) values(schema.seq_tere.nextval, v_fkerrorID, v_pkdocid_r, 'A', SYSTIMESTAMP, v_linerror); END IF; -- EXCEPTION WHEN OTHERS THEN RAISE; END trg_CP;