在 SQL 中使用 Go 执行动态查询。
在 SQL 中使用 Go 执行动态查询。
DECLARE @script VARCHAR(MAX), @script1 VARCHAR(MAX); SET @script = ' create table ali(id decimal(10,0)); drop table ali; '; SET @script1 = ' create table ali(id decimal(10,0)); drop table ali; '; EXEC (@script); EXEC (@script1);
-- Your Script modified by adding a single line of code: DECLARE @Query nVarChar(MAX); -- I changed from VarChar to nVarChar - you should always use nVarChar for Dynamic SQL. SET @Query = ' create table ali(id decimal(10,0)); drop table ali; go create table ali(id decimal(10,0)); drop table ali; ' -- In case you have apostrophes in your script, you must escape them for the Exec() command. - 03/14/2013 - MCR. SET @Query = 'EXEC (''' + REPLACE(REPLACE(@Query, '''', ''''''), 'GO', '''); EXEC(''') + ''');' -- Just add this one line. PRINT @Query -- See the command used (will be truncated in Select/Print, but not when Executing). EXEC (@Query);
-- Example of compiling and chaining multiple DDL statments from data in a table: -- DDL (Data Definition Language). -- These are statements used to create, alter, or drop data structures. -- They MUST be run in a single Batch. -- The "GO" keyword is a SSMS syntax for splitting up batches - it is not an SQL keyword. DECLARE @Statements TABLE ( DDL nVarChar(MAX) ) INSERT INTO @Statements (DDL) SELECT 'create table ali(id decimal(10,0)); drop table ali;' UNION ALL SELECT 'create table ali(id decimal(10,0)); drop table ali;' DECLARE @Query nVarChar(MAX) = '' SELECT @Query = @Query + 'EXEC(''' + REPLACE(DS.DDL, '''', '''''') + '''); ' FROM @Statements as DS -- In case you have apostrophes in your script, you must escape them for the Exec() command. - 03/14/2013 - MCR. PRINT @Query -- See the command used (will be truncated in Select/Print, but not when Executing). EXEC (@Query)