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我想要无限地运行一些进程,以便调用Twitter API并使用新信息更新数据库(postgre)。这样,热门趋势话题列表就可以异步更新。




Running continually tasks alongside a Django app can be a challenge. However, there are solutions available to address this issue.

One common solution is to use Supervisor, a process control system. Supervisor allows you to keep processes running continuously, ensuring that your tasks are always running in the background. With Supervisor, you can easily manage and monitor these processes.

To implement this solution, you can combine Supervisor with any queuing technology of your choice. Queuing technologies such as RabbitMQ or Redis are popular choices for managing and pushing tasks into queues.

By using Supervisor in conjunction with a queuing technology, you can ensure that your tasks are continuously processed and executed alongside your Django app. This allows for efficient and seamless task management within your application.

Here is an example of how you can use Supervisor with a queuing technology:

1. Install Supervisor using pip:

pip install supervisor

2. Create a configuration file for Supervisor, typically named `supervisor.conf`. This file will define the processes you want to run continuously. Here is an example configuration:

command=/path/to/python /path/to/my_task.py
command=/path/to/python /path/to/my_queue_worker.py

In this example, we have defined two programs: `my_task` and `my_queue_worker`. These programs are executed using Python, and their respective scripts are located in the specified directories.

3. Start Supervisor and load the configuration file:

supervisord -c /path/to/supervisor.conf

4. Monitor the status of your processes using the Supervisor web interface. You can access the web interface by visiting the URL provided during the Supervisor startup.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your tasks and queue workers are always running alongside your Django app. Supervisor takes care of managing and monitoring these processes, allowing for seamless task execution.

In conclusion, running continually tasks alongside a Django app can be achieved by using Supervisor in combination with a queuing technology. This solution provides a reliable and efficient way to manage and execute tasks within your application.