Linq to SQL是否自动惰性加载关联实体?
是的,我相信它会自动延迟加载关联实体。它还有一个"load with"特性/语义,允许您以一次射击的方式批量加载多个内容。当您知道您需要与主实体一起立即加载相关数据时,这是非常有用的,比如预先缓存您需要呈现单个网页所需的所有数据等。
To enable lazy loading in LINQ to SQL, you need to ensure that the association property in your entity class is marked as "virtual". This allows LINQ to SQL to override the property and provide lazy loading functionality.
public class Order { public int OrderId { get; set; } public string OrderName { get; set; } public virtual Customer Customer { get; set; } }
By default, LINQ to SQL will not eagerly load associated entities. Instead, it will wait until the associated entity is explicitly accessed before loading it from the database. This can help improve performance by reducing unnecessary database queries.
If you want to load associated entities at the same time as the main entity, you can use the "load with" feature. This allows you to specify which associations should be eagerly loaded when retrieving the main entity.
var query = from o in context.Orders select o; DataLoadOptions options = new DataLoadOptions(); options.LoadWith(o => o.Customer); context.LoadOptions = options; var orders = query.ToList();
In the above example, the "Customer" association of each order will be eagerly loaded when the orders are retrieved from the database.
Overall, LINQ to SQL provides automatic lazy loading of associated entities, but also allows you to control the eager loading behavior through the "load with" feature. This gives you flexibility in managing the loading of related data in your application.
在LINQ to SQL中,关联实体的加载方式取决于你如何定义“延迟加载”。
var person = (from p in db.People where p.PersonId = pid select p).First(); var spouse = person.Spouse;
var family = (from p in db.People where p.PersonId = pid select new { Name = p.Name, SpouseName = p.Spouse.Name }).First();
因此,LINQ to SQL的“延迟加载”取决于代码中对关联实体的引用方式。如果需要避免多次数据库查询,可以使用关联查询来一次性加载所有需要的信息。