MySQL: 列大小限制
MySQL: 列大小限制
我目前正在使用Windows操作系统,并已安装了MySQL社区服务器5.6.30,一切正常。我有一个初始化数据库的脚本,同样一切正常。\n现在我试图在Linux环境下运行这个脚本 - 同样的MySQL版本 - 但是我得到了以下错误:\n
\nERROR 1074 (42000) at line 3: Column length too big for column\n \'txt\' (max = 21845); use BLOB or TEXT instead\n
\n脚本 -\n
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS text; CREATE TABLE `texts` ( `id` BINARY(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', `txt` VARCHAR(50000) DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
\n显然,我需要在Linux上复制我的Windows操作系统上的一些MySQL服务器配置; 有人可以分享一些想法吗?\n更新1\n在AWS的RDS上也可以运行,我很确定它只是在Linux上的一个服务,所以显然这只是一个配置问题。\n有人知道如何使用UTF8达到varchar 50k吗?我不想使用TEXT或MEDIUMTEXT或其他任何东西,只是简单的varchar(size)。\n更新2\n我很感激提出的不同解决方案,但我不是在寻找一个新的解决方案,我只是想知道为什么varchar(50k)在Windows下工作,在Linux下却不工作。\n顺便说一句,我正在使用UTF8字符集和utf8_general_ci排序规则。\n答案\n为了回答我自己的问题,这是一个SQL_MODE的问题,它被设置为STRICT_TRANS_TABLES,应该被移除。
MySQL: column size limit
如果你的文本只包含ascii字符或英文字符,那么可以使用CHARACTER SET latin1来定义字段的字符集,latin1只需要1个字节来存储每个字符。
DROP TABLE IF EXISTS texts; CREATE TABLE `texts` ( `id` BINARY(16) NOT NULL DEFAULT '\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0', `txt` TEXT DEFAULT NULL, PRIMARY KEY (`id`) ) ENGINE=INNODB DEFAULT CHARSET=utf8;
如果想要了解MySQL中varchar列的最大大小限制,可以参考之前的Stack Overflow问题…。
如果想要使用varchar而不是TEXT,可以根据字符集的最大字节长度来计算最大长度。例如,在utf8字符集下,varchar的最大长度是65535个字符(根据。由于utf8字符集的最大字节长度为3个字节,所以错误的最大varchar大小为65535 / 3 = 21845。
MySQL: column size limit
MySQL imposes a row-size limit of 65,535 for the combined size of all columns, even though InnoDB supports larger row sizes internally. When trying to create a table with columns that exceed this limit, an error message is displayed.
For example:
CREATE TABLE t (a VARCHAR(8000), b VARCHAR(10000), c VARCHAR(10000), d VARCHAR(10000), e VARCHAR(10000), f VARCHAR(10000), g VARCHAR(10000)) ENGINE=InnoDB;
This will result in the error message: "ERROR 1118 (42000): Row size too large. The maximum row size for the used table type, not counting BLOBs, is 65535. You have to change some columns to TEXT or BLOBs."
The reason for this limit is due to the maximum page size in MySQL, which is 65,535 bytes. When using the utf8 encoding, which uses 1, 2, or 3 bytes per character, the maximum number of characters that can fit in a page is 21,845 characters (21,845 * 3 = 65,535).
The difference in behavior between Windows and Linux versions of MySQL is unclear. Windows seems to be more conservative in its space allocation, while Linux allows for storing strings with over 21,845 characters, depending on the characters used.
To solve this issue, there are several workarounds:
1. Use the TEXT data type instead of VARCHAR.
2. Switch to a collation that has shorter characters, if it suits the data being stored.
3. Reduce the size of the column.
For collations that support shorter characters, the "latin" collations have a maximum of one byte. Documentation on character sets and collations can be found here: [](
It is important to note that the solution may vary depending on the specific requirements and constraints of the database and application.