#include 是C++中的一个特殊头文件,它包含了所有常用的标准库。这个头文件实际上是一个包含了所有其他标准库头文件的集合。当我们使用这个头文件时,我们就不需要一个个地包含每个标准库头文件了。这样做的好处是简化了代码的编写,但同时也增加了编译时间。因此,在一些比较大的项目中,为了提高编译速度,建议只包含需要使用的具体标准库头文件。
Using this header file can lead to longer compile times because the compiler has to read and parse every included header (including recursively included headers) every time the translation unit is compiled. To avoid this, precompiled headers can be used.
Precompiled headers essentially store the parsed information from commonly used headers in a separate file, allowing the compiler to skip the parsing step and speed up the compilation process. This can be particularly useful when including a large number of headers or when working on a project that heavily relies on the standard library.
It's worth noting that while #include