Eclipse Java堆空间
Eclipse Java堆空间
我正在尝试将qoppa pdf阅读器集成到我的Android应用程序中。我按照这里描述的步骤进行操作:\n\n- 将jar文件添加到我的项目的类路径中。\n- 添加资产文件夹。\n- 添加库文件夹。\n当我启动Eclipse时,一切正常,我可以打开工作区中的项目并继续实施。但是当我将pdf项目作为新的Eclipse实例运行时,我遇到了这个错误:\n
[2012-10-29 22:23:25 - com.test] Dx warning: Ignoring InnerClasses attribute for an anonymous inner class (c.b.b.c.b.b.b.b.b.i$1) that doesn't come with an associated EnclosingMethod attribute. This class was probably produced by a compiler that did not target the modern .class file format. The recommended solution is to recompile the class from source, using an up-to-date compiler and without specifying any "-target" type options. The consequence of ignoring this warning is that reflective operations on this class will incorrectly indicate that it is *not* an inner class. [2012-10-29 22:26:21 - Dex Loader] Unable to execute dex: Java heap space [2012-10-29 22:26:23 - com.test] Conversion to Dalvik format failed: Unable to execute dex: Java heap space
-startup plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher_1.1.0.v20100507.jar --launcher.library plugins/org.eclipse.equinox.launcher.win32.win32.x86_1.1.1.R36x_v20100810 -product org.eclipse.epp.package.jee.product --launcher.defaultAction openFile --launcher.XXMaxPermSize 1024M -showsplash org.eclipse.platform --launcher.XXMaxPermSize 1024m --launcher.defaultAction openFile -vmargs -Dosgi.requiredJavaVersion=1.5 -Xms256m -Xmx1024m
(Eclipse Java heap space)这个问题出现的原因是运行配置的内存不足。解决方法是在VM arguments字段中添加-Xms256m和-Xms1024m。
请参考这个链接了解如何增加eclipse的内存… 你的问题是那个问题的重复。