Value types inherit from System.Object...why? 为什么值类型继承自 System.Object?

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Value types inherit from System.Object...why? 为什么值类型继承自 System.Object?


\n值类型如何从对象(引用类型)派生,同时仍然是值类型? \n嗨,\n我就是弄不明白。System.Object是(我认为)引用类型,但是在.NET中的所有数据类型都继承自它。包括值类型也是如此。我不理解这一点 - 值类型的值存储在堆栈上,但它还是继承自Object吗?\n希望有人能帮助我理解。


Value types inherit from System.Object because in .NET, everything is an object. The concept of type inheritance is based on "is a" relationships, meaning that a derived type is a more specific version of its base type. In this case, since everything in .NET is an object, value types such as int, double, etc., are also objects.

The reason why it may seem strange for value types to inherit from System.Object is because they are typically allocated on the stack. However, the allocation mechanism is not determined by a member of ValueType or System.Object.

The Liskov substitution principle also supports the idea that if code expects an object, it should be able to handle any type that is an object, including value types. By inheriting from System.Object, value types can be treated as objects in code, allowing for more flexibility and compatibility.

It is important to note that object guarantees certain members that all types have, such as GetType, ToString, and GetHashCode. By inheriting from System.Object, value types automatically have access to these members.

There may be some confusion about the relationship between objects and the System.Object class. It is not necessary for an object to derive from the System.Object class. An object can exist without any explicit inheritance, but it is still considered an object. The question of why ValueType derives from Object is more about the semantic or type category: value-type vs reference-type.

It is worth mentioning that pointers do not derive from Object and are not considered objects.

It is also a common misconception that value types are typically allocated on the stack. In reality, most of the time, value types are allocated on the heap. Only when they are local variables inside a method are they allocated on the stack.

To further clarify these concepts, it is recommended to refer to Jon Skeet's blog on memory allocation in C# for a more comprehensive understanding.



在C#中,值类型(value types)被认为是一种特殊情况,它们隐式地继承自Object类。这个问题的原因是为了让值类型能够从Object类中继承方法和属性,比如ToString方法。通过这种方式,我们可以像对待其他引用类型一样对待值类型,比如将int类型的变量存放在Object类型的数组中。



int myInt = 10;
Object[] myArray = new Object[1];
myArray[0] = myInt;

