重写 GetHashCode() 方法

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重写 GetHashCode() 方法

这篇文章中,Jon Skeet提到他通常使用这种算法来重写GetHashCode()方法。\n

public override int GetHashCode()
  unchecked //溢出是可以的,只需包装
    int hash = 17;
    //当然要进行适当的空检查等操作 :)
    hash = hash * 23 + Id.GetHashCode();
    return hash;


public override int GetHashCode()
  return base.GetHashCode();



Overriding GetHashCode() is an important aspect of implementing custom equality in C#. It is used to generate a unique numeric value for an object, which is then used to determine the bucket in which the object will be stored in a dictionary or hashset. However, there is a potential issue when multiple types with different GetHashCode() implementations are stored in the same collection.

The problem arises when the GetHashCode() method returns the same numeric value for different types. This can lead to poor performance when performing lookups in the collection, as objects of different types will be put in different buckets. To address this issue, it is recommended to return a different numeric value for each implementation of GetHashCode() in a class that has no immutable fields.

One approach to achieve this is to use prime numbers to generate the numeric values. By using prime numbers, a better distribution of objects across the buckets can be achieved, resulting in better performance during lookups. The use of prime numbers in hash functions is a widely accepted practice in computer science.

It should be noted that using prime numbers in GetHashCode() is particularly useful when dealing with classes that have readonly fields. In such cases, the use of prime numbers can help achieve better distribution over the buckets of a dictionary or hashset.

In conclusion, the overriding GetHashCode() method is crucial for implementing custom equality in C#. By returning different numeric values for each implementation, and using prime numbers to achieve better distribution, the performance of lookups in dictionaries and hashsets can be significantly improved.


在使用 GetHashCode() 方法时,需要注意它必须与 Equals 方法相辅相成。如果可以使用引用相等性(当您从不会有两个不同的实例可以相等时),那么可以安全地使用从 Object 继承的 Equals 和 GetHashCode 方法。这比仅仅从 GetHashCode 返回 1 的方法要好得多。

然而,有时候我们需要自定义 Equals 和 GetHashCode 方法,以便在比较对象时能够正确地判断它们是否相等。这是由于默认的 Equals 和 GetHashCode 方法是基于引用相等性的,而对于自定义的类,我们往往需要根据对象的属性来判断它们是否相等。

但是,仅仅自定义 Equals 方法可能还不够,因为在使用哈希表等数据结构时,我们通常会使用 GetHashCode 方法来快速定位对象。如果 GetHashCode 方法没有正确地实现,可能会导致相等的对象在哈希表中无法被正确找到。

因此,我们需要重写 GetHashCode 方法,以确保相等的对象具有相同的哈希码。这样,在哈希表中查找对象时,可以使用对象的哈希码进行快速定位,提高性能。


总结起来,当我们需要自定义 Equals 方法时,通常也需要重写 GetHashCode 方法。通过正确实现 GetHashCode 方法,可以保证相等的对象具有相同的哈希码,从而在哈希表等数据结构中能够正确找到它们。这样可以提高程序的性能和效率。




