IQueryable, ICollection, IList和IDictionary接口之间的区别
IEnumerable<LongInt> _Population=from s in India select s.population;//First Query _Population=_Population.take(10);//Second Query
IQueryable<LongInt> _Population=from s in India select s.population;//First Query _Population=_Population.take(10);//Second Query
1. 如果查询针对数据库中的数据,请使用IQueryable。
2. 如果查询针对内存中的数据,请使用IEnumerable。
免责声明:我并不打算完全满足OP的问题,而是想指出在使用LINQ to SQL时IQueryable和IEnumerable之间的区别。
CREATE TABLE [dbo].[Employee]([PersonId] [int] NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY,[Salary] [int] NOT NULL)
INSERT INTO [EfTest].[dbo].[Employee] ([PersonId],[Salary])VALUES(1, 20) INSERT INTO [EfTest].[dbo].[Employee] ([PersonId],[Salary])VALUES(2, 30) INSERT INTO [EfTest].[dbo].[Employee] ([PersonId],[Salary])VALUES(3, 40) INSERT INTO [EfTest].[dbo].[Employee] ([PersonId],[Salary])VALUES(4, 50) INSERT INTO [EfTest].[dbo].[Employee] ([PersonId],[Salary])VALUES(5, 60) GO
现在我的目标是从数据库的Employee表中获取前2条记录。我在Visual Studio(VS)中创建了一个新的C#控制台应用程序。然后,我添加了一个指向数据库中Employee表的ADO.NET Entity Data Model XML(EDMX)项。现在我可以开始编写LINQ查询。
using (var efContext = new EfTestEntities()) { IQueryable<int> employees = from e in efContext.Employees select e.Salary; employees = employees.Take(2); foreach (var item in employees) { Console.WriteLine(item); } }
在运行此程序之前,我已经在SQL Server实例上启动了一个SQL查询分析器会话。以下是执行的摘要:
- 触发的查询总数:1
- 查询文本:
SELECT TOP (2) [c].[Salary] AS [Salary] FROM [dbo].[Employee] AS [c]
我们可以看到,IQueryable足够聪明,能够在数据库服务器端自己应用Top (2)
using (var efContext = new EfTestEntities()) { IEnumerable<int> employees = from e in efContext.Employees select e.Salary; employees = employees.Take(2); foreach (var item in employees) { Console.WriteLine(item); } }
- 触发的查询总数:1
- 在SQL分析器中捕获的查询文本:
SELECT [Extent1].[Salary] AS [Salary] FROM [dbo].[Employee] AS [Extent1]
谢谢,但我不认为 的回答有任何误导。是的,他使用了“查询”这个词,但这并不是在数据库的上下文中。这只是为了获取前两个进行的另一种计算。至少在我阅读时是这样理解的。干杯。
IQueryable, ICollection, IList, and IDictionary are interfaces in C# that serve different purposes and have different functionalities. Understanding the differences between them is important for developers working with collections of data.
1. IQueryable:
IQueryable is an enumerable interface that supports LINQ (Language-Integrated Query). It allows developers to query data from different data sources, such as databases, collections, or any other data provider. IQueryable provides deferred execution of SQL statements in LINQ to SQL and LINQ to Entities. It allows for efficient querying and filtering of data.
2. ICollection:
ICollection is a basic enumerable interface that supports a Count property. It is used for collections of objects and provides basic functionalities such as adding, removing, and checking if an item exists in the collection. However, it does not provide direct access to items by their index.
3. IList:
IList is an extension of ICollection and provides additional functionalities. It supports adding and removing items, retrieving items by index, and other list-related operations. It is commonly used for lists of objects and allows for more flexibility in manipulating the collection.
4. IDictionary:
IDictionary is a mapping interface that maps unique keys to values. It allows for key-value pairs to be stored and retrieved based on the key. It provides functionalities to add, remove, and retrieve items based on their keys. It is commonly used for dictionary-like data structures.
To summarize:
- IQueryable is used for querying and filtering data efficiently.
- ICollection provides basic functionalities for collections, such as counting and checking item existence.
- IList is an extension of ICollection, providing additional functionalities for lists, such as adding, removing, and retrieving items by index.
- IDictionary is used for mapping unique keys to values, allowing for operations based on keys.
Developers should refer to the MSDN documentation for each interface to gain a better understanding of their specific functionalities and how to use them in their code.